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How to Fix Dragon Age Inquisition Crashing on Startup in Windows

Dragon age inquisitions are the best 3D gaming experience for many. It is an amazing action video game that is entertaining for gamers. More than a million game enthusiasts are subscribing to the newer versions of this game. Still, some are having trouble enjoying this unique experience. If you are one of them, then you are not alone. 

The launching of the game has a few difficulties. The Dragon age inquisition closes on startup for many gamers. Also, many game players are unable to download the Dragon Age Inquisition. If you are one of these gamers, here are quick ways to troubleshoot this issue. First, lets us see why the Dragon age inquisition closes on startup.

 The reasons why Dragon age inquisition closes on startup 

There is no exact reason for the dragon age inquisition crashing on launch. However, it is a common issue in many Windows 10 systems. Also, with a few steps, it is possible to solve it and play this amazing game. The factors that may be responsible for this are as follows. 

  • 3D visioning 

Avast dragon age inquisition is a new-gen game. It comes with high-end graphics and a 3D visioning experience. The system has trouble starting during the game startup because of the high graphic load. Due to the advanced 3D visioning, there may be issues while starting the game. 

  • Antivirus blockage 

The dragon age inquisition is a new game that is installed on many systems. Use to this, the system’s antivirus blocks the launch of the game. When the antivirus blocks the dragon age inquisition opens then closes. Further, it is a prevalent issue in many windows 10 systems that contain antivirus. However, there are ways to pass through antivirus and permit the launching of this game. 

  • Issues with graphic settings 

In many systems, the graphic setting is not compatible with avast dragon age inquisition. If there is a fault in the graphic setting, the Dragon age inquisition closes on startup. Windows 10 has continuous upgrades on the graphics settings. Moreover, incompatibility of these graphics with the game can cause troubles during startup. With quick updates, it is possible to troubleshoot the shooting issue. 

These are a few underlying issues why the Dragon age inquisition closes on startup. Troubleshooting any of these conditions can help you to launch the game effortlessly on the system. Before trying all these solutions, it is first necessary to ensure that the PC meets the game’s requirements. 

Best tricks to fix the Dragon age inquisition closes on startup

Booting the windows 

The major reason for the Dragon Age Inquisition crash on startup Windows 10 is the individual’s app. these apps can disturb the cases of this game. Still, it is tough to decide which app is causing the disturbance. Also, the internal setting of any app could be the criminal here. However, the boot process can reset the apps setting. They can stop forces that cause game crashes. Follow these steps to perform a clean windows boot. 

  1. Open the run option in the system, and a dialogue box pops. Press the Windows key and R on the keyboard to open the run option with the key. 
  1. Now enter ‘misconfig’ in the dialogue box and click ok. Now choose the selective windows startup option. 
  2. In the selective startup menu, deselect the load startup option. Tick the load system services option. Now click the ‘organise boot config’ option.
  1. In the services tab, you can click hide all Microsoft services.
  1. By disabling all applications it is possible to stop apps that stop dragon age inquisition from launching. 
  1. Lastly, restart your system and enjoy a kind gaming experience in dragon age inquisitions crash. 

Checking compatibility of dragon age inquisition 

 If you have the dragon age inquisition crash to desktop windows 10, checking game compatibility is essential. When the game does not match the PC compatibility, you can follow these steps. 

  1. First, try to open avast dragon age inquisition file location on your computer. 
  1. Right-click the game and click on the properties option. 
  1. In the properties option, there is a tab that allows you to tick. By performing this action, it is possible to run the game on compatibility and safe mode. 
  1. Click and saves changes to try out the never before gaming experience on dragon age inquisition. 

Update the graphics setting 

The graphics driver has various updates. Updating the graphic setting on dragon age inquisition crash to desktop windows 10 can fix the issue. You can do it with these quick steps. 

  1. First, open the graphic driver in the Windows 10 device. The device manager contains graphics updates. You can press the X and windows keys to open the device manager. 
  1. There is an option named display adapter that contains a graphics card. 
  1. Right-click on the graphic driver to check for any new updates. 
  1. You can automatically or manually update the driver on your computer. 

Modify the launch settings 

Dragon age inquisition immediately crashes on some devices. Before, launching this can happen in windows 10. If you face this issue, changing the launch setting is a smart move. Let us see the steps to change the launch setting on your computer. 

  1. First, open the file explorer on your windows device. For this, you can press the windows and X key simultaneously. 
  1. Locate the dragon age installation drive. Most of these games are installed in the C driver of the system. 
  1. In the app, location right-clicks and select the properties option. 
  1. Now check the compatibility tab and click on the administrator. Run the program on compatibility mode. Now it will change the launch setting of your system. 

Switch of antivirus on your system 

Dragon age inquisition immediately crashes due to third-party antivirus apps on the device. To fix the crash issue switching off the antivirus app just before downloading the game can help. Many antivirus apps are responsible for the crash of this game. Go to the advanced setting option for an antivirus app to disable it. The steps to uninstall the apps are 

  1. Open the PCs search bar, and type uninstall 
  1. Now add or remove antivirus programs of your choice from the list of apps. 
  1. Right-clicking the option can help you to press on uninstall tab 
  2. The last step is to restart your system and check if the game runs smoothly.

Changing memory or the GPU setting 

New games with high content can lock the memory in your system. At these times, it is necessary to unlock the memory in your system to launch the game. More frequent the Dragon age inquisition closes on startup 5 due to locked memory. Going to the default settings of system memory can help with this matter. Memory setting is accessible through the startup menu. You can type memory on the search menu to aces and check the memory setting. 

Reinstall the dragon age inquisition 

Most of the above solutions can effortlessly fix the game crash issue in many systems. However, if none of the above works, you can simply uninstall and reinstall the game.

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Why dragon age inquisition age does not work?

The most important reason is the incompatibility of the game on your Windows 10 system. 

Why is the dragon age inquisition not working? 

There are many reasons for the game crash, and there is nothing work with the game or system when the issue works. 

Why does Dragon Age Inquisition crash on startup?

Crashes may be caused by outdated graphics drivers, incompatible settings, corrupted files, or missing DirectX and VC++ redistributables.

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