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Safety Tips for Online Money Transfer

Nowadays, each and everyone is familiar to online mode of payments, even the ones who was not knowing about this process came to know about this mode of money transaction due to the worldwide pandemic.

Many people prefer cash on delivery rather than using online payment but this pandemic has prohibited the availability of “Cash on Delivery” options from maximum online shopping websites which have allowed more people to become familiar with this mode of payment.

Still this mode of payment is advantageous to us, because it helps us in  many ways, like if you have do not have cash in your hand and want to buy something, you can buy via Paytm, Google Pay, bank transfer, and many more online payment applications , but as we know technology beside being a blessing, is also a curse.

According to the recent reports, with the increasing of this mode of payments, people have started facing major problems like losing money due to the hacking of their bank accounts, or due to online fraud.

Still, every problem has a solution. So below down is some safety tips which everyone should follow to avoid losing money, account being hacked or online fraud.

  1. Avoid using public Wi-Fi or a cafeteria’s PC for online money transactions

Never do online money transaction using a common public Wi-fi or a cafeteria’s Pc as they do not have much security features than a personal or private network. One should always use their phone data. If one has an emergency to make a transaction, then make sure to change your password of your bank account as soon as your transaction gets over.

  • Installation of Antivirus and Firewalls

It’s very important to install an antivirus app, make sure you get one even if you have to pay for it, and ideally the paid one is safer. Keep updating your antivirus app and even it will be better if you put that on auto update. This will give you the assurance that your app is updated all the time. A new malware is nowadays making a tour on the internet every day, so your updated firewalls will keep you safe from these. Make sure, to turn on your firewall, as this blocks malicious sites. Be careful from the blocked sites.

  • Avoid fraud mails and texts

Another fraudulent practice called Phishing is done to get all your personal information, that can be your confidential office data or can be your bank account number, and it is generally done via email, text and is uncontrolled.

So, avoid such emails claiming like you have won any contest or lottery or an amount being credited.

Do not open this kind of emails, and if you even open it do not reply to such mails and texts and do not provide your bank account or personal details. Ignore such spam mail and if possible, delete them.

  • Use virtual keyboard

Always prefer using virtual keyboard while making an online transaction as there are viruses and malware which can make a log out of what you have typed on your keyboard. Even banks have its option of virtual keyboard on their log in pages, so it is advisable to use that.

  •  Digital Certificates

While using third party payment method, keep checking for the digital certificates. A symbol like VeriSign’ will be shown on the window, by clicking on the symbol, one can get information on the certification of the website.

  • Checking the connection

Always keep an eye onto the lock symbol shown on the address bar and check whether ‘https:// is in green colour, if it is, this ensures your connection is secure. If it’s of yellow or red colour, do not attempt any online transaction as it might leak your information.

  • Keep a track on how much you have spent online

Always keep a track on your online expenses and on your bank balance. It is better to use only one credit or debit card for making online transactions.

 This what makes easier for one to keep a track , and if you find any mysterious behaviour in your account, contact your bank as soon as possible.

  • Remember your password

Remembering or protecting your password is very much necessary as well as critical. Several points need to be kept in mind

  1. Never share your password with anyone, be it your family members or friends.
  2. If you have noted down your password anywhere, make sure it is safe and even writing passwords anywhere is inadvisable.
  3. Keep changing your password after 2-3 months
  4. Do not keep the same password for every account, because if one account gets hacked, other accounts will also be as stake.
  • Logging out

Never ever leave your device logged in to your accounts. Maximum banks have their system of automatic logging out after your inactivity, still doing own self is advisable.

As because, our life has become dependant on virtual world(online) its very critical to keep our information safe. Its really very difficult to afford losing  money , so better one should be careful to avoid losing money.


That’s all for now. Despite the advantages of the technologies, we are always be a victim of the same. This is why, it is so important to follow these rules.

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This being said, stay safe and on top of that, stay home.


Why should I avoid using public Wi-Fi for online transactions?

Public Wi-Fi networks lack strong security measures, making them vulnerable to hackers. Always use your personal data connection or a private network for online transactions. If you must use public Wi-Fi, change your banking passwords immediately afterward.

How does antivirus software help in secure online transactions?

Antivirus software detects and prevents malicious software attacks. Keeping your antivirus updated and enabling firewalls protects you from malware and phishing attempts during online transactions.

What is phishing, and how can I avoid it?

Phishing involves fraudulent emails or texts designed to steal personal information, like bank account details. Avoid opening suspicious emails, clicking unknown links, or sharing sensitive details with unverified sources.

Why is it recommended to use a virtual keyboard?

Using a virtual keyboard can prevent keyloggers (malware that records keyboard inputs) from capturing your passwords and sensitive data during online transactions.

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