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Home Improvement

Easy Methods to Soundproof Your New Home

If your new neighbourhood is noisy, and you would do anything to live in a quieter home, you have come to the right place. Today we are going to share simple ideas on how to soundproof your new home, both inside and outside. The peace and quiet we all want in our homes are not that far away. All you need is the right set of tools and a little bit of time. Let’s see how to tackle this important project!

How to approach the process of soundproofing your home

When people purchase a new home, they want to make it the best place for living possible. While some homes do not require improvements, most of the older homes usually have a couple of things that require fixing.

Furthermore, you might decide to create an extension of your home. When you speak with the contractor, it is crucial to mention that you want to soundproof your home. This is the best approach because they can immensely help out with their expertise.

DIY home soundproofing project

If you are trying to soundproof your home on your own, you need to consider a couple of steps:

  • locate the source of the noise: this is the first step. You need to understand where the noise is coming from, and what type of noise that is.
  • choose soundproofing materials: as we will mention later, some materials are better for soundproofing than others. Depending on your project, it is important to choose the best type of material that will have the most effect;
  • make sure you have all the tools required: working with noise-blocking materials will require various tools. Research every soundproofing method to learn what tools you need.
  • understand the soundproofing process: furthermore, you need to know how to apply the soundproofing material to make it work. This includes a set of techniques, so try to do another research to understand how each of these techniques works.

Outside fixes and inside fixes

The noise can either come from the outside, or from the inside. With that in mind, we can talk about two different approaches.

As a side note, if you are doing a larger remodel and including these soundproofing changes, it would be best to empty your home first. You can rent a unit for excess stuff, to clear more space.

That will simplify the process of soundproofing the home because you will not have to worry about moving furniture, or damaging any of your belongings in the process.

Repair gaps from the outside

When remodeling a home from the outside, fixing gaps is equally important as fixing a home’s foundation. Even the smallest gap will allow the sound to pass through. This usually happens around joints where you have windows or doors. If the air can pass through, so can sound.

When fixing gaps, it is also important what material you choose. For example, fiberglass and metal materials do isolate sound to some extent, but they also vibrate. That is why you will do a lot better with soft and dense materials, like Styrofoam.

Find a storage unit close to your home

If you do decide to get a storage unit to temporarily move your belongings, Excalibur Moving and Storage suggest that you find one closest to your home.

This is the best way because you never know when you might need to get something from the storage. If it is across town, you will spend hours just driving there and back.

Reduce vibrations

When isolating your home from the outside, you can pour concrete, or use Styrofoam. The more mass you use, the better. The sound vibrations have to travel through that mass, and they will dissipate the longer they take.

Another idea is to use heavy carpets in your rooms to reduce vibrations from below. Furthermore, use rubber pads on the legs of the washing machine, so it does not send vibrations to the floor when it is on. This is an excellent idea for soundproofing the floor.

Soundproof the floor

For soundproofing floors, it is best to use carpets and rubber mats. They will reduce vibrations that spread out through the home. As an additional benefit, this type of isolation will also make your home warmer, which will reduce your heating bill as well.

Replace doors in your home

A pricey investment, but a smart one if you want to soundproof your home from the inside. Some homes often have doors that are not good sound isolators. If you replace them with heavy, wooden doors that are not hollow on the inside, that will substantially reduce the noise coming from other rooms.

Quality noise-blocking doors might be one of the better additions to your home. That is definitely an investment that will pay off in the long run.

Install storm-resistant windows

Storm-resistant windows are additions that attach to the outside of your regular windows. They are sturdy and will protect your home from bad weather. Additionally, they are excellent for noise reduction from outside sources,

Isolate pipes in your home

Sound also travels through pipes. The easiest way to reduce the noise of this type of sound is to isolate papers with noise-blocking materials:

  • spray foam isolation;
  • drywall;
  • gypsum boards;
  • rubber spacers;
  • acoustic pipe wraps;

Tools and materials you might find useful for home soundproofing projects

While there are many different items you can purchase, some are more efficient than others. Additionally, some items are essential.

To help you out with the decision-making process and reduce the research time, here is what we suggest as the must-have items:

  • caulk gun;
  • hand saw;
  • drywall saw;
  • cordless drill;

These four items will most definitely find their use during a home-soundproofing project. Furthermore, here are some of the materials you might find useful:

  • drywall and drywall channels;
  • flexible duct-tape;
  • expanding foam;
  • insulation materials;
  • pipe isolators
  • cork or rubber pads

Simple ways to soundproof your new home – explained

And there you have it! This is how you can soundproof your new home without too much hassle. The project will require some time, but it will definitely pay off in the future. Just make sure to follow our instructions, and you have nothing to worry about!

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How do I start soundproofing my new home?

Begin by identifying the noise sources, then choose the appropriate soundproofing materials and tools. Research each method to understand how to apply the materials effectively.

What are the best materials for soundproofing?

Soft and dense materials like Styrofoam, cork, rubber, and expanding foam are ideal for soundproofing, as they help absorb sound and reduce vibrations.

How can I prevent noise from entering through gaps?

Seal gaps around windows and doors with soft, dense materials like Styrofoam or rubber weatherstripping to prevent sound from leaking through.

Is soundproofing effective on floors?

Yes, using carpets and rubber mats can effectively reduce vibrations and noise transmission through the floors, while also helping with insulation.

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