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Discord Pausing Spotify: Easy Fixes and Solutions

The Discord pausing Spotify issue has been the main thing on the internet. After all, the ‘listen along’ Spotify feature working on Discord is a huge hit amongst the users. Now, with this issue, people are searching ‘how to stop Discord from stopping Spotify?’. Well, you don’t have to worry about anything because you have come to the right place. So, just keep reading!

What is this feature?

In short, the ‘listen along’ Spotify feature on Discord lets the user hear the songs from Spotify together with friends on the app. Yes, friends can see what songs you are listening to and listen along with you. Recently, people observed that the Discord pausing Spotify when listening to their favourite songs. Well, the truth is, you cannot listen to both Discord and Spotify at the same time. In fact, when voice activity is present for more than ½ minute on Discord, the song will stop playing. So, now you know why Discord keeps pausing Spotify.

Moreover, this app is a great way to connect with different people and chat. Also, it has been a huge hit among gamers. On the other hand, Spotify is known for its high-quality music streaming service. So, when you combine two great platforms, it is a sure treat to the loyal users of both platforms. For that reason, Discord gave access to its users to hear songs together with their friends from Spotify.

Of course, this opens the way for an endless amount of opportunities to remain connected. In other words, this is an amazing way to vibe together. Here, your friends on this platform can:

  • See the song’s status which you are hearing.
  • Play the song that you are hearing.
  • Finally, they can listen along with you. But, your buddies must have a Spotify premium account to do this.

Yes, this shows just how good this feature is. Still, the Spotify auto pause Discord problem is something that users wish to remove. Yes, you can rectify the problem by just following the below simple instructions.

How to fix the Discord pausing Spotify issue?

Well, the good news is that this issue is easy to fix. Yes, below are some of the popular methods that users found to be more helpful.

  • No voice activity

Due to the end-user agreement of Spotify, this feature will stop when it detects any voice activity. So, make sure that there is no going live, sharing a screen, or voice chatting. On the other hand, if the mic automatically picks sound, just enable the puts to talk.

  • Get Spotify premium

Yes, to use this feature, every single individual who listens must have a Spotify premium. Otherwise, the listener will see Discord Spotify not working.

  • Don’t let the device sleep

Well, you can experience this problem when using this on your smartphone. If the device goes to sleep, this feature may pause. So, make sure to keep your device awake by altering its sleep time.

  • Turn off crossfading

If you have crossfade on in Spotify, it may interfere with the playback of the song. So, if you want to know how to stop Spotify from pausing on Discord, just disable the crossfade.

  • Choose the right device

Certainly, Discord can get confused when you use different devices with your Spotify account. Well, this is easy to fix. Just pick the device from the Spotify app or play the song from the desired device.

  • Sync correct time

Well, if your device’ time and real-time is not in sync, then you can face delay issues. For that reason, make sure that the time is in sync.

  • Try reconnecting your Spotify account

If all the above methods didn’t answer your how to stop Discord from pausing Spotify, then this is the last method that you should try. Yes, just disconnect and connect again to your Spotify account to solve this problem.

Invite to ‘listen along’ in Discord

Once you get over the Discord pausing Spotify problem, make sure to invite more people. Yes, you can easily invite your friends to enjoy music with you. Remember, all the friends that you invite should have premium accounts in Spotify. With that in mind, just follow the below steps to invite your friends.

  1. In Spotify, choose the song and play it.
  2. Next, just make sure that the Discord is displaying the right track in your status.
  3. Now, pick a friend that you want to listen along.
  4. Next to the text box, you will see “+”. Click it and you will see a message preview.
  5. If you want, type a message.
  6. Finally, press “send invite” to share the link.

Your friend will receive the link which will have a Join button. Using that, they can easily join you in listening to the track you are playing. Also, you can see just how many are hearing the song from the bottom left of the app. Of course, if you stop the song, everyone will stop hearing it.

Connect Discord and Spotify

Till now, you saw the cause and solution for the Discord pausing Spotify issue. If you are wondering how to connect Discord and Spotify, then don’t worry. Just follow the below steps to enjoy music with your friends.

  1. First, click user settings
  2. Then, click connections
  3. Now, press the logo of Spotify
  4. Next, you will be asked to confirm whether you want to connect Spotify with Discord. Click yes.
  5. After this, you will need to log in to Spotify. Once that is over, you will get a confirmation message.
  6. Finally, check the list of connected accounts to see whether Spotify is present.

The bottom line

Hope this helps you to solve the Discord pausing Spotify issue. So, just use one of the methods you see here to enjoy uninterrupted playback with your friends!

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What is the cause for the Discord pausing Spotify problem?

This happens when there is voice activity from your side for 30 seconds. Well, just enable the push to talk feature to avoid this.

Will this feature work without Spotify premium?

In short, you need this when you want to use this feature and hear other people’s songs. On the other hand, you don’t need it if you play the song or just see what others are playing.

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